I. According to a study conducted by the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience of the University College London, Specific learning disorders (SLD) affect around 10% of all children. As such, learning disorders are the biggest category of disability. SLDs do not disappear with time and treatment; therefore, individuals with this disability will need adapted means for the rest of their lives.
The general awareness of the nature of this disability and the adaptations needed have been slowly improving in the education domain and in the professional field, often leaving adults with SLD without the necessary support to thrive professionally. This generates employment and mental health problems for individuals with SLD, especially self-esteem issues that might substantially impact their professional choices, career progression, and income.
II. The Dys in education, professional life and work Project aims to provide knowledge and tools to workers and employers to create a better synergy, fight discrimination and empower people with SLD, also improving work stability and career development for young workers that are transitioning from vocational education to the workforce.
The goal is to empower neurodivergent people and provide employers with tools to fight stigma and lack of information, understanding how the process can be more inclusive and provide information to support HR professionals. Finally, we aim at showing the benefits of neurodiversity in professional life and the provisions made in the countries of the partnership for employers who hire neurodivergent people.
III. The project will provide tools and information on SLD focusing on neuro-inclusion to help employers harness the talent of people who have a lot to offer but face disabilities and discrimination. Neuro-inclusion must start at the recruitment phase. Recruiters can influence and adapt the process to be more inclusive, therefore this project will also tackle the recruitment process to promote neurodiversity. Project results will lead to strengthened employability, supporting the integration of people with disabilities into the labor market.


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
(Project code: 2022-2-IE01-KA220-VET-000097062)