The project will produce results available in the 5 languages of the partnership (EN, FR, IT, GR, ET).  

GOAL: Our goal is to empower neurodivergent people and provide employers with tools to fight stigma and lack of information. We aim to decrease the mental health and economic burden around this issue, improving work stability and career development for young workers that are transitioning from vocational education to the workforce.  

Pedagogical Framework

This is the knowledge base that the partnership will create throughout the project’s duration. The intended result is the production of a methodology and resources for job seekers and employers.  

The partners of this project will conduct a thorough research and analysis of the current situation in the EU labour market to better direct the rest of their efforts. We will also create a support directory to inform where people can find support in the countries of the partnership. 

Innovative Learning Tools

To meet our project’s goal, we would like to share a combination of practical learning materials. The tools of this project will themselves be made available in an inclusive format to provide support for neurodivergent people, especially taking into account the needs of people with SLD. The results created for neurodiverse workers will be in an eLearning format to ensure maximum accessibility and clarity. 

We aim to create the following materials:  

For the workers


Conducting an examination of the current state of policies for people with dys- disorders.

Best Practices Booklet

Support module

Digital toolbox

Including a series of resources available online to support future workers with SLD in a wide range of situations

Self-assessment tool

To help neurodiverse job seekers to create proper job applications for the type of job they are pursuing

Job selection and progress tool

To help direct neurodiverse job seekers to the right type of job

For the employers

Comprehensive employer’s guide

Resources for employers focusing on the benefits of neurodiversity in the workplace

Fiches about learning disorders in the workplace

With specific characteristics of each one so employers can better harness the employees’ talents

Support material

For recruiting and employing neurodiverse workers

Task blueprint module

To help create job processes blueprints

Support directory

Information per country on resources supporting neurodiversity in the workplace

Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. 

(Project code: 2022-2-IE01-KA220-VET-000097062)