Celebrating Dyslexia Week

Raising awareness on Specific Learning Disorders, Celebrating Dyslexia Week and highlighting Workplace Initiatives

Dyslexia Awareness Week is celebrated worldwide during October and this year it is held from the (7th -13th). The 8th of October marks International Dyslexia Day. To spread the word the European Dyslexia Association encourages us to use the hashtag #EDADyslexiaday. To raise awareness across Europe different organisations carry out a wide range of activities and highlight key themes and actions locally to support dyslexic communities. 

The Dysineduprowork Project partnership wants to shine a light on the importance of awareness raising campaigns for specific learning disorders, like Dyslexia and mention some ways in which workplaces can engage in awareness raising activities. Raising awareness about specific learning disorders is crucial for fostering understanding, support, and effective intervention strategies for affected individuals. 

How can you become more informed about specific learning disorders and raise awareness? 

It begins with understanding Specific Learning Disorders and their prevalence in society. Dyslexia for example is ‘a learning difference that can cause difficulties with learning and work. Dyslexia affects approximately 1 in 10 people. It occurs on a spectrum with some people mildly affected and others more severely. According to a study conducted by the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience of the University College London, Specific learning disorders (SLD) affect around 10% of all children. As such, learning disorders are the biggest category of disability. SLDs do not disappear with time and treatment; therefore, individuals with this disability will need adapted means for the rest of their lives. 

What are some of the challenges faced by people with SLD’s like Dyslexia? 

Many individuals with undiagnosed SLDs face barriers in seeking help due to fears of being labelled as incompetent or facing discrimination. Research indicates that adults with non-diagnosed SLDs often hesitate to disclose their difficulties due to past negative educational experiences. This fear and stigma can lead to feelings of isolation and a lack of necessary support, which may hinder their academic success.

What are the benefits of awareness raising campaigns? 

Raising awareness on some of the challenges faced and the lived experience of people with SLDs can create a more supportive environment for affected individuals in school, college and workplace settings. Raising awareness helps normalise discussions around SLDs, reducing stigma and encouraging individuals to seek help. Educational institutions and workplaces can play a pivotal role by providing professional development for staff on recognising and supporting students and workers with learning disabilities. 

Such initiatives can lead to:

  • Improved Identification: Increased awareness aids in the early identification of SLDs, allowing for timely interventions.
  • Enhanced Support Services: Awareness campaigns can inform students, jobseekers, workers and families about available resources and accommodations, fostering a supportive educational and work environment. 
  • Empowerment through Education: By educating peers, colleagues and educators about learning disabilities, misconceptions can be dispelled, leading to greater empathy and understanding. 

What strategies for Awareness Raising in the workplace look like:


Employee Training and Education

Regular Awareness Programs
Conducting workshops, seminars, and training sessions can help debunk myths surrounding learning disabilities and cultivate empathy among employees. These programs should focus on the challenges faced by individuals with learning disabilities and the strengths they bring to the workplace

Creating Inclusive Materials
Provide accessible training materials that cater to various learning styles. This could include visual aids, interactive components, and clear written instructions to ensure everyone can engage with the content effectively. 

Establishing Support Networks

Employee Resource Groups
Forming employee resource groups (ERGs) dedicated to learning disabilities can create a safe space for discussion and support. These groups can facilitate mentorship opportunities and provide resources for those affected.

Access to Professional Support
Offering access to external coaches or specialists who understand neurodiversity can help employees develop personalized strategies for navigating workplace challenges. Confidentiality in these arrangements is crucial to encourage participation


Flexible Work Arrangements

Accommodating Individual Needs
Flexibility in work hours, remote work options, and tailored job responsibilities can significantly benefit employees with learning disabilities. Employers should engage in open dialogues with employees to determine what accommodations would be most effective for them

Routine and Structure
Establishing consistent routines can help employees with learning disabilities feel secure. Avoiding sudden changes in schedules or tasks allows them to thrive in their roles


Promoting Open Communication

Encouraging Disclosure
Create an environment where employees feel comfortable disclosing their learning disabilities without fear of stigma. This can be facilitated through anonymous surveys or one-on-one meetings with HR professionals

Clear Communication Channels
Implement clear communication strategies that allow employees to express their needs and preferences regarding how they receive information. This includes using varied communication styles that cater to different processing methods

Evaluating Progress

Feedback Mechanisms
Regularly solicit feedback from employees regarding the effectiveness of awareness initiatives and accommodations. This helps organizations adapt their strategies to better meet the needs of their workforce

Continuous Improvement
Conduct periodic reviews of workplace policies and practices related to learning disabilities. This ensures that the organization remains committed to creating an inclusive environment and addresses any emerging challenges

By implementing these strategies, workplaces can effectively raise awareness about specific learning disabilities, ultimately fostering a more inclusive, productive, and supportive environment for all employees.


Overall, raising awareness about specific learning disorders is vital for creating an inclusive educational and work landscape where all students and employees can thrive. By addressing stigma, providing education on SLDs, and fostering supportive environments, we can ensure that individuals with learning disabilities receive the understanding and assistance they need to succeed academically and professionally. 

Effectively raising awareness about specific learning disabilities in the workplace involves a multifaceted approach that fosters understanding, inclusivity, and support for affected employees. 


To Support Dys Workers the Dysineduprowork project has created materials and guidance for neurodiverse workers via an online module on an LMS platform on how to prepare for job interviews, how to talk about their disorders, how different adaptations might work for different disorders and how to prepare for the job itself.

The worker’s support guide is composed of six following modules and you have the opportunity to see them yourself by subscribing to our platform: https://edukacio.com/courses/dysineduprowork/


Engaging individuals with learning disabilities in workplace learning: Provider guidance (2018) UK Government. Available at: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5a7c1f7f40f0b61a825d699a/engaging_people_with_ldd_in_workplace_learning-_providerguidance.pdf (Accessed: 4 October 2024).

Huysmans, R. (n.d.) Nine ways to increase awareness and citations of your research work. LinkedIn. Available at: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/nine-ways-increase-awareness-citations-your-research-work-huysmans (Accessed: 4 October 2024).

How to raise awareness for mental health in the workplace (n.d.) Wellhub. Available at: https://wellhub.com/en-us/blog/wellness-and-benefits-programs/how-to-raise-awareness-about-mental-health-in-the-workplace/ (Accessed: 4 October 2024).

Why it’s important to raise awareness around disabilities (n.d.) Weaver Industries. Available at: https://www.weaverindustries.org/blog-details/why-its-important-to-raise-awareness-around-disabilities (Accessed: 4 October 2024).

Luberenga, I. and Kasujja, R. (2023) Mental health awareness programmes to promote mental well-being at the workplace among workforce in low-income and middle-income countries: A scoping review protocol, NCBI. Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10335549/ (Accessed: 4 October 2024). 

European Dyslexia Association, ‘Dyslexia Awareness Week and Month’, (2024) URL: https://eda-info.eu/events/awareness-month/ – :~:text=Dyslexia%20Awareness%20Week%20is%20the%20first%20full%20week%20of%20October,

Dyslexia Association Ireland, last accessed on the 4th October, 2024 ‘What is Dyslexia?’, URL: https://dyslexia.ie/info-hub/about-dyslexia/what-is-dyslexia/ – :~:text=Dyslexia%20is%20a%20recognised%20disability%20under%20Irish%20and%20EU%20law